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Radiology MRI

Shanmuga Hospital has always been the pioneer in bringing in technology and other important facilities under the same roof to ensure all our patients gets a speedy diagnosis and treatment without moving elsewhere for other facilities. Our latest MRI Scan system is a testament to that promise for people needing a cost-effective MRI scan in Salem. With this top-notch diagnostic equipment and a team of specialised lab technicians and staffs, we are one of the top MRI scan center in Salem.

MRI Scanning system

An MRI (Magnetic Resonance imaging) scanning system uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves that helps to create detailed images of organs and structures inside the body. These images or scans are used by Doctors and healthcare professionals to identity and diagnose various conditions from ligament tear to tumours. Some of the common uses for MRI are:

  • Examining the brain and spinal cord for any anomalies
  • Scanning for tumour, cyst or any other anomalies present in the body
  • Screening for breast cancer with women who are at highrisk
  • Identifying certain kind of heart problem
  • Scanning for injuries or any abnormities, like in our back or knee
  • Finding diseases in our abdominal organs like liver
  • Evaluating the pelvic pain in women, with causes like endometriosis and fibrosis
  • Checking for uterine anomalies in women undergoing evaluation for infertility

The list could go on for long especially with the use of MRI technology being ever-expanding in terms scope and use making us an ideal option for people looking for the best MRI scan hospital in Salem .

We use Philips Intuis MRI scanning system, fully designed and developed for India, to ensure that every patient gets results that are accurate, fast and cost effective. With this system in place, the common man gets to benefit from the best MRI scan in Salem.

For taking an MRI Scan
